Alien: Hivatalos Prometheus hírek

Alien 5: Prometheus Logo
Ridley Scott, az idei CinemaExpon hivatalosan közölte az alábbi tényeket:

  • A Prometheus egy Alien film lesz, ez biztos!
  • Az űrutasokról fog szólni!
  • Prometheus a Földről elindított űrhajó neve, amit az a Társaság felügyel, akit megismertünk az Alien filmekben-közölte Scott

” Scott also confirmed that the film’s title is the name of a space ship sent from earth by an all-powerful corporation of the kind familiar to fans of the Alien franchise. “

A film sztorija Eric van Daniken Chariot of the Gods híres könyvén alapul!

“The British director said the film’s storyline, and script by David Lindelof, was partially inspired by the writings of legendary Swiss sci-fi writer Eric van Daniken.”

” Van Daniken, author of 1968 bestseller Chariot of the Gods, is best known as the first proponent of the so-called ancient astronaut theory, which holds that aliens kick-started civilization on earth. “NASA and the Vatican agree that is almost mathematically impossible that we can be where we are today without there being a little help along the way,” Scott said. “That’s what we’re looking at (in the film), at some of Eric van Daniken’s ideas of how did we humans come about.”

A film azt kutatja, hogyan keletkezett a földi élet, honnan származik az ember. Kik a teremtő Istenek. Van Daniken könyve alapján.